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Carat Boutique Hotel

From the beginning of the 18th century the main street of Teréz város has been the nowadays Király street. The street got its name from an inn called "To The English King" which stood at that end of the street where now the hotel is situated. The commercial life in this area was very busy, there were a lot of shops on the ground floor of the houses in this street. For this reason István Simonyi decided to buy this property to invest his money.

From 1818 on the capital made more and more projects to make this area nicer and due to this activity the building in which the hotel is situated nowadays was rebuilt and the function of it often changed.

In 1839 it was used as a pauper asylum and a hospital, then it became a property of Barbara Grossinger who used it as a mansion.

In 1864 the Pisztory family inherited the building and used it as a home until 1889. Then the Gindele family inherited the house and they used it afterwards partly as a mansion but they opened several shops in it as well.

In 1917 Pál Kertész and his wife bought the house and owned it until the socialization. The area with its streets, houses and shops managed to preserve its commercial character and became an important part of the jewish district which was established here. Due to the rebuilding the baroque characteristics are mixed with those of the classicist and for this reason the building has a unique and clear-out outlook. On the facade there are stucco panels in rococo style in perfect condition and they make the building even more unique.

After this record it was a great challenge for the present owners to restore the building. As the building is a national monument it got its present outlook and function after long, difficult professional works. After the building works it opened its gates as one of the most elegant, high standard four star hotels of the city centre which offers perfect service.

Király St. 6 1061 Budapest
+36 1 235-4600
Carat Boutique Hotel